
In Bullaren we have Bullaren valley, 160 miles long that goes across the whole county of Bohuslän. Most of the valley consists of north and south Lake Bullaren. The south part of the lake goes to the north part trough Långevalls River and the north part discharges itself into Norway.

The people

The people in Bullaren seem to have lived a very isolated life. Usually they didn’t move further than to the neighbouring parish. During the last part of the 1600 century it was a matter of people changing between Naverstad and Mo.

The first statistics show that in1749 there were 1,338 people living in Naverstad, and 583 in Mo. After that the population increased so in 1876 there were 5,266 people living in Bullaren. After that the figures are decreasing and one of the reasons was the beginning of the emigration.

1863 starts the emigration of people ages 16 – 26. Young men, wanting their own farmland, are most of the emigrants.  The purpose of the emigration to the US has been of economical nature. Many of the emigrants, after earning money, returned to Bullaren to farm their own land.  Figures show that approximately 20 % returned to Bullaren.
